Positively Impacting
New Mexico
& Beyond

It has been our joy and privilege to serve the Achi peoples over the years. The need for dental as well as medical services is an ongoing project as government policies largely ignore the indigenous people groups. We are so grateful to have the opportunity to teach about prevention and to once again provide essential and necessary dental care along with fluoride and sealants."
Dr. Michael Haight
Ten miles outside of electricity is where we go to bring dental care to the Achi people of Guatemala. The Achi are one of 23 Mayan peoples groups. They live in villages and have very limited access to doctors, dentists and medicine. In some cases, they have limited access to a clean water source!
It has been a privilege to serve the Achi with my family through our church, Desert Springs Church and Community Health Evangelism. Over the years we have built sweet relationships with our partners in San Miguel Chicaj. We bring dental care as well spend time and energy to educate mothers and children about the importance of oral health.
We give away lots of toothbrushes, toothpaste and dental floss. In 2015, we went to the small village of Il Lleno. It was the first time that the people were introduced to dental floss!
Meet Janette
Recently Janette needed a dental crown. She was thrilled when Dr. Haight used state of the art technology and made her crown in a single visit. No Temporary crown! No more time off work for additional appointments! Multiple shots of anesthesia not necessary! No gooey impression material! #oneanddone
Is the gym overwhelming to you? Janette is an NASM certified personal trainer and the owner of Prehab Rehab. Her specialty is designing individual programs with corrective exercises when needed. You will love the privacy of Janette's studio and one-on-one training. You can reach her at 505-730-0823. Tell her that Dr. Haight sent you!
Meet the Danner's!
We love families at Parkway Dental! We strive to provide excellent, individual care in a compassionate environment so that our patients (of all ages!) are empowered to thrive! Come see us and bring the whole family!
Matt Danner is a trusted NM attorney specializing in business and estate planning. Call Matt to make a plan for your Family. Swaim & Danner, PC 505-237-0064
Katie Danner has a passion for encouraging Mom's in the day to day grind of potty training and searching for lost toys. You can find her blog at http://albuquerque.citymomsblog.com
Simple Fixes
If you have chipped or worn teeth without decay, Dr. Haight uses his artistic talent and the most advanced composite material to make your smile beautiful. #SMILE
Call our Albuquerque, NM, dental office to schedule a FREE cosmetic bonding consultation. We look forward to making you a remarkably happy patient!
Dr. Haight and the entire Parkway Dental Team serve at the Mission of Mercy. MoM is a program of the New Mexico Dental Association Foundation. It is a large scale, two day free dental clinic. It is a place and time where dental professionals and community volunteers can come together to help provide dental care for the under served population in our state. It is a first come, first served clinic where all are welcome. This clinic is for low- or no-income New Mexicans who cannot pay for dental care.
Featured Artists
We love our patients! Not only have they trusted us to be their dental providers, they also let us display their beautiful creations on the walls of our office! If you would be interested in displaying your work in our office, please let us know!